Publication archives

An important report that has received surprisingly little attention from the media and Members of Congress writing a new Farm Bill comes from the Organic Center and Brian Halweil of Worldwatch Institute. Still No Free Lunch: Nutrient Levels in U.S.
This paper looks at the effect of patents by multinational corporations on the growth of the biofuels sector.
Submission by Small and Vulnerabla Economies (SVEs) to Apply in the non-agricultural market access (NAMA) negotiations, October 2007.
Discussion paper from India on the non-agricultural market access (NAMA) negotiations.
Proposal from the ACP group presented by Jamaica on the issue of preference erosion, October 2007.
BEIJING -- In summer, a gray industrial haze coats this city of more than 15 million, descending over the Great Wall, sticking to humid hillsides and obscuring skyscrapers. Soaring temperatures and a lack of wind conspire with gunk-spewing traffic to foul the air.
Agriculture journalist, family farm advocate and IATP friend Al Krebs died last week. This is a big loss for family farmers. Several IATPers have known Al since the 1970s. I first met Al in 1990 as an awkward intern right out of college at Ralph Nader's Center for the Study of Responsive Law in Washington, D.C.