Publication archives

The federal Bankruptcy Court judge presiding over the Pacific Lumber Co.'s Chapter 11 process told the bitterly divided parties Tuesday to pick a mediator by Friday and present a unified plan within 30 days.
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is trying to dismantle a 1994 landmark management plan that balances logging, endangered species and old-growth forest protections.
Costs of sustainable forest management (SFM) will continue to rise during the coming years, according to a forestry official. This is because of new issues incorporated into the concept of sustainability and further improvements required in forest practices and protection, said Sabah Forestry Department's head of SFM division, Jeflus Sinajin.
The Amazon is one of the few places on the earth that still evokes an accurate sense of mystery. While the Taiga, Antarctica, and Sahara may compare to the Amazon in wilderness size, none hold the same mystique of unknown species. It is believed that one third of the world?s species inhabits this tropical rainforest.
Five islands on Wisconsin's Lake Michigan and Green Bay shorelines are now home to more than 12,000 nesting pairs of fish-feasting double-crested cormorants, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources would like to slash that number in half.
Indiana's state forests and classified forests have been certified by two outside organizations as being managed in a sustainable manner.
Forests planted with a diverse species of trees will be better able to withstand pest infestation than those that are sown plantation-style with just one species, a newly released study said.
California's historic AB32 legislation put the state in a leadership role in the effort to combat climate change. Now, in many ways, the hard work begins.