Publication archives

The best way to concoct a deadly microbe may not be in a secret lab but out in the open - on a farm.
For the first time in 25 years, the World Bank's annual Development Report (WDR 2008) is dedicated to agriculture. This review of the WDR 2008 is written from the perspective of the EcoFair Trade Reform Proposal.
EU'S EXPERIENCE SHOWS SLIGHT PRICE RISE TO CONSUMER The headlines about staph infections are spreading awareness that overuse of antibiotics has made some bacteria resistant to drugs. The trend poses a threat to everyone, as dangerous infections become increasingly prevalent and challenging to treat.
Termites may be the key to greener, more effective biofuels, report scientists writing in the November 22 edition of the journal Nature.
Conata Basin covers 130,000 acres south of Badlands National Park in South Dakota. It's one of the continent's most intact remaining grasslands, while serving as home to the world's largest population of black-footed ferrets, the rarest mammal on Earth. Unfortunately, this lovely area is also the center of much controversy having to do with prairie dog politics.
An ugly and puzzling problem in our forests has the attention of two Utah insect scientists. Barbara Bentz and Liz Hebertson study how beetles no bigger than a black bean are killing vast stands of conifers. You might call them CSI's of the forest.
The U.S. Forest Service hasn't followed its own guidelines while removing potentially hazardous trees from the Angora fire burn area, Lake Tahoe Basin environmental groups say.