Publication archives

Rising incidence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection should step up pressure for legislation to require livestock producers to phase out routine use of antibiotics. - - -
Two years have gone by since Aid for Trade was launched at the WTO. Pascal Lamy has just completed the first Global Aid for Trade Review. The picture does not look good.
Aitkin, MN (12/4/07) ? More than 150 people attended two kick-off meetings held November 27th and 28th for the 70-Mile Trail project. The project includes approximately 70 miles of new ATV/OHM recreational trail segments to be located in Aitkin and Itasca Counties.
The 2002 North American drought left an extra 360 million tons of heat-trapping carbon in the air, equivalent to the pollution caused that year by 200 million U.S. cars, according to a study released this week by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The prolonged drought cut by half the continent's ability to absorb carbon dioxide, said the study.
Ash from wildfires in Southern California's residential neighborhoods poses a serious threat to people and ecosystems because it is extremely caustic and contains high levels of arsenic, lead and other toxic metals, according to a study by federal geologists released Tuesday.
Picking a Christmas tree is typically a matter of taste. Is the shape right? Is it too tall? Too short? And is it "green" enough?
Dr. Steve Suppan
This article was first published by the Food Ethics Council, Volume 2, Issue 4. Winter 2007.
The Nov. 24 commentary by pro-irradiation advocate Michael Osterholm ignores a number of unresolved health concerns with respect to irradiating food (e.g. possible vitamin depletion, threats to public safety from introducing additional radiation sources into communities, etc.).