Publication archives

At a busy microbiology lab in San Francisco, bad bugs are brewing inside vials of human blood, or sprouting inside petri dishes, all in preparation for a battery of tests. These tests will tell doctors at UCSF Medical Center which kinds of bacteria are infecting their patients, and which antibiotics have the best chance to knock those infections down.
At first glance, vehement anti-globalisation rhetoric expressed by American politicians campaigning for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination provides little comfort to New Zealand hopes of forging closer trade ties with the US.
The Financial Times today published a profile of Chinese dairy giant Yili. While it might be unfair to describe the piece as “fawning,” let’s just say it’s surprising that such a long story cites only one source aside
The MRSA staph infection is a deadly threat. It's time for a broad-based response.
Dr. Steve Suppan
R. Dennis Olson
Steve Suppan on NAFTA according to Mexico, John Foster on SPP/NAFTA+ and Dennis Olson on biofuels around the world.
Scholastic, the global children's publishing, education and media company, today announced that the company is further strengthening its sustainable paper procurement practices by setting industry-leading goals to increase the percentage of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified paper and post-consumer waste (pcw) recycled paper it purchases.
n order to increase productivity, forest practices have become more intense in recent decades. Forest fertilization increased by 800% in the southeastern United States from 1990 to 1999, and the total acreage fertilized in the Southeast exceeds the forest area fertilized in the rest of the world.
"Equine Forestry," a program that the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy produced in partnership with Twin Cities Public Television's Minnesota Channel, is being aired on Saturday, February 16th at 8:00 PM. A program showcasing the environmental and economic value of horse logging. The show focuses on a horse logging camp hosted in Hayward, Wisconsin.