Publication archives

Today FSC launched a market information pack that provides many indicative and revealing figures and statistics on FSC growth, market share, label recognition and other strong indicators of the growth in supply and demand for FSC products.
The developers of a successful Oregon State University program to help family forest landowners and farmers sort through estate planning are now marketing the concept across the United States. The goal, experts say, is to help address a growing national crisis -- aging landowners who become overwhelmed by family disputes and the complex issues of land transitions.
The expansion of the ethanol market could contribute to fighting climate change if the trade barriers in the developed economies are removed, said World Bank president Robert Zoellick, in a nod to Brazil's desire to boost its alternative fuels.
Earlier this month, I attended the Canadian Dairy Farmers annual policy conference in Ottawa, Canada. I was to provide a U.S. perspective on the topic of food sovereignty. The Canadian Dairy Farmers represent over 15,000 farmers across Canada.
With only days left before Congress is expected to finally come to terms on a possible 10-year farm bill, growers gathering for the annual Commodity Classic convention are increasingly uneasy that a final package will fall far short of helping them meet the risks of $200-plus cash rents and $700-per-ton fertilizer bills.
With only days left before Congress is expected to finally come to terms on a possible 10-year farm bill, growers gathering for the annual Commodity Classic convention are increasingly uneasy that a final package will fall far short of helping them meet the risks of $200-plus cash rents and $700-per-ton fertilizer bills.
The UN, the WTO, the IMF and the World Bank should engage in pragmatic negotiations to strive for a higher common denominator for multilateral relations.
Mark Muller’s personal account of his work with a farmer cooperative in Honduras that uses child labor points to the complexities of this issue. As Mark suggests, there are many factors contributing to child labor, some domestic, some related to free trade.