Publication archives

Since the nineties, global concern over illegal logging in tropical forests has mounted. Numerous initiatives have been established and agreements signed to promote the sustainable use of forest resources and combat illegal forest practices.
There's a silver lining to the brown trees in the Rocky Mountains. While almost a million acres of evergreens across the state are dying from an unparalleled outbreak of bark beetles, experts say the infestation is creating hidden benefits. Among them are increased water runoff to streams, opportunities for new vegetation and more varied wildlife habitat.
The vast tree clearing alongside Randall Road near Tyler Creek in Elgin isn't a sign that Mr. T has come to town or the emerald ash borer has struck. Rather, it's part of an enhancement of 20 acres of wetlands that will result in a better environment and also could deter outdoor parties and illegal ATV riding.
A slowdown of deforestation from the Amazon to the Congo basin could generate billions of dollars every year for developing nations as part of a U.N. scheme to fight climate change, a study showed on Monday.
Like the polar bear, Wisconsin?s only mammal on the state?s endangered species list could also become a victim of global warming.
More than 100 million ha of forest lands were managed according to FSC requirements in March 2008. The FSC standards for responsible forest management are widely regarded as the most rigorous social and environmental standards in the industry. Currently, 103'456'399 ha of forest are globally FSC certified, distributed over 79 countries.
When genetically engineered (GE) crops were introduced onto the market over a decade ago, the rules of the game changed for many farmers. Farmers who used biotechnology no longer owned their seeds.
Questions people have about the numbered system on plastic containers and bottles are answered in this fact sheet, the companion to the the Smart Plastics Guide.