Publication archives

As we head into another round of presidential primaries, the specter of a growing world food crisis looms on the horizon.
A new report, of no small signifi cance to Pennsylvania, says so- called factory farms take a big toll on human health and the environment, undermine rural economies and keep livestock in inhumane conditions.
My old friend Russell Mokhiber at the Corporate Crime Reporter wrote last week about Learfield Communication's recent decision to cancel the show of farm broadcaster Derry Brownfield for comments related to Monsanto on his
A startling fact: About 70 percent of antibiotics used in the United States are put in livestock feed to promote growth and prevent disease in chickens, pigs and cattle.
IATP Senior Fellow Mark Muller is working in a volunteer program in Honduras through July. He is blogging periodically on his experiences there.
Spurred by visions of their cities frying in a warmer world, mayors around the nation have grasped a green solution: trees! Like Johnny Appleseed, they have vowed to sow their seeds in great profusion, promising millions of new trees in the coming years. Arbor Day, that old fusty holiday, is getting a makeover.
Just when everyone is fretting over the price of food, the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production released a report that outlines the ways in which factory farming exacts an additional toll on both the Earth and the consumer.