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These beauties offer shade. They filter the air. And they serve as homes to generations of birds and squirrels. Ten Tarrant County trees are among this year's state champions.
The U.S. Congress passed a bill Wednesday that could wrap lumber imports from Canada in red tape and has the potential to impose limits beyond the restrictions already in the softwood lumber agreement.
Carin Smaller
If I hear Pascal Lamy say one more time that the Doha Round will help solve the current food crisis, I am going to explode! For months, the WTO chief has used every public opportunity (and then some) to push for the completion of the WTO’s trade round to solve the current food crisis.
What: Conference on "Green Chemistry in Minnesota" When: 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 28 Where: U of M Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, 301 19th Ave. S., Minneapolis Contacts: Jamie Proulx, Humphrey Institute, (612) 625-9436 Ryan Mathre, University News Service, (612) 625-0552 MINNEAPOLIS / ST.
Governor Tim Pawlenty says a lack of scientific evidence is behind his latest veto. The governor turned back legislation that would have banned the sale of two chemicals: the fire retardant DECA, and phthalates, a plasticizer used to soften vinyl.
Leaders at the WTO and World Bank are pushing for a Doha Round to help solve the food crisis, but here are seven reasons why they are wrong.
Los lideres de las instituciones financieras y del comercio mundial - Organizacion Mundial del Comercio (OMC), el Banco Mundial, el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) y la Organizacion Economica para la Cooperacion y el Desarrollo (OECD) - estan promoviendo el logro de la conclusion de la Ronda de Doha de negociacion de acuerdos comerciales de la OMC, como una manera de solucionar la actual
Earlier this week, IATP met with leaders of coffee farmer cooperatives from Latin America who sell in the certified Fair Trade market. In this case, they sell to Cooperative Coffees, a fair trade, green bean importer.