Publication archives

At a time when food prices are soaring world-wide, so is the price of fertilizer, producing huge profits for leading fertilizer makers and stirring anger among farmers in the U.S. and India. Fertilizer prices are rising faster than those of almost any other raw material used by farmers. In April, farmers paid 65% more for fertilizer than they did a year earlier, according to the U.S.
The battle over genetically engineered (GE) crops continues to be fiercely fought and shows no sign of easing up.
Dr. Steve Suppan
A review of the U.S. China food safety agreement summarizing the views of U.S. Congressional investigators who doubted that the Chinese General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) could effectively implement and enforce the hundreds of pages of new food safety rules.
This week, the UN’s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) held a “Special Meeting on the global food crisis” at the UN headquarters in New York. The meeting's goal was to help move the international community towards action in addressing the causes of the food crisis.
British Columbia is in a race against time to remove and replenish pine stands that have been killed by mountain pine beetle. At stake is B.C.'s contribution to staving off global warming.
Forest fires are a significant, natural and necessary element of Canada's boreal forest, yet when they threaten our values, such as our communities and timber resources, they become unwanted and we try to limit their extent through suppression activities. Fire's occurrence, spread and suppression are strongly linked with day-to-day weather.
A major fundraising effort that will protect 342,000 acres of Down East forest and hundreds of miles of remote waterfront from developers has been completed, preservation groups and Gov. John Baldacci announced Tuesday.
One of the main promises made by supporters of genetically engineered crops was that the technology would reduce pesticide use. Unfortunately, the data didn't back up the rhetoric. A backgrounder by the Center for Food Safety found that herbicide use to fight weeds in the U.S.