Publication archives

IATP President Jim Harkness is blogging from China through June 14. (Due to internet access problems, Jim sent this blog via e-mail. I am posting it for him - Ben)
Federal food safety and public health agencies are being urged to begin checking meat sold across the country for the presence of MRSA, a potentially fatal bacteria. Scientists have found the infection in U.S. pigs and farmworkers. Members of Congress and public health advocates are demanding that the government determine whether highly infectious MRSA has entered the food supply.
IATP President Jim Harkness is blogging from China through June 14. (Due to internet access problems, Jim sent this blog via e-mail. I am posting it for him - Ben)
IATP President Jim Harkness is blogging from China through June 14. (Due to internet access problems, Jim sent this blog via e-mail. I am posting it for him - Ben)
Registration is open for the fifth season of the award-winning View From the Lake boat trips. Water quality specialists from University of Wisconsin Extension and the University of Minnesota Sea Grant Program will board the L.L. Smith, Jr. with citizens and the research vessel's crew to explore Lake Superior.
Half of Papua New Guinea's forests will be lost or damaged in just over a decade, speeding up local climate change, unless logging is dramatically reduced, a study released Monday found.
Forests in the interior western United States, the southwest, and Alaska are already being affected by climate change with increases in the size and frequency of forest fires, insect outbreaks and tree mortality. These changes are expected to continue, according to a new report issued Thursday by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program.
For those interested, the statements referenced in Carin's last blog by Henry Saragih of La Via Campesina and Ben Powless of the Indigenous Environmental Network before participants at the UN Food and Agriculture Organizat