Publication archives

The dominant food system in the world is exploitative and extractive, but examples across the world demonstrate that a more just and fair food system is possible.
Watch a recording of our two-hour virtual seminar held on October 20, 2021 that provides an in-depth look at the transformative power of agroecology. Agroecology experts, advocates and practitioners discuss how agroecology, as a systems approach, can address multiple ongoing global crises, both ecological, economic and sociocultural.
Sophia Murphy
Every year on 16 October, the United Nations marks World Food Day. Around the world, national governments and local communities join in the celebrations and events, held to mark the founding of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization and a moment in history when, in 1946, governments came together to commit to a united effort to end the scourge of hunger.
Farmer growing specialty Asian crops
Dr. Steve Suppan
Who sets the rules for global carbon markets? Who gets to decide who sets the rules?
Wall street bull
Dr. Steve Suppan
The International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) is one of the most influential business lobbyist groups at the UNFCCC negotiations.
Factory farm
Ben Lilliston
Shefali Sharma
In March 2021, the biggest meat company in the world, JBS, made an astonishing announcement.
Ben Lilliston
As we approach the global climate talks in Glasgow, there is a rising urgency for countries to ramp up climate action. Equally urgent is the need to create a meaningful, productive space for effective global cooperation.
Drought and corn
Sharon Anglin Treat
The following op-ed was originally published in The Hill on September 24, 2021. 
Trade barges in harbor