Publication archives

A federal appeals court has upheld the U.S. Forest Service's authority to decide whether a tree is likely to die soon after a forest fire. But it ordered the agency to take a closer look at whether they should log at all after fires in small roadless areas -- parts of forests that have never been logged.
U.S. Sugar Corp.'s planned exit from sugar production isn't expected to impact the price of sugar and consumers at the checkout counter will scarely notice.
The U.S. Congress voted a new Farm Bill into law on May 22, 2008. The legislation was greeted with a resounding thumbs down in Geneva, where the WTO has its headquarters. The negotiators reaction echoed that of President Bush, who promptly vetoed the legislation, saying the Farm Bill would impede a conclusion to negotiations on the Doha Agenda at the WTO.
A new survey by Rasmusson Reports found that 56 percent of Americans want the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) renegotiated - only 16 percent supported the agreement.
Dr. Steve Suppan
R. Dennis Olson
Don Arnosti on harvesting biomass, Dennis Olson on the Farm Bill, Steve Suppan on the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development and Garat Ibrahim on the Somali community in Minnesota.
A federally protected forest in West Alabama eventually could help scientists document and predict the ecological effects of climate change across the continent.