Publication archives

The Meridian Seed Orchard, owned and operated by the state Department of Natural Resources, is an island of funny-looking trees in a sea of spreading suburbia. The former strawberry farm on Meridian Road has served as a major source of tree seeds for state forestlands and small family forestland owners for about 35 years.
Is it possible that one of Oregon's 36 counties could disappear? And if so, would anyone step in to provide basic services to its residents? The answer to the first question, according to many in and out of government, is yes, and soon. At least two Oregon counties, Curry and Josephine, warn they may stop providing state-mandated programs as soon as a year from now.
Next week, trade ministers from 30 countries selected by WTO Director Pascal Lamy will convene a mini-ministerial in Geneva, Switzerland in a last ditch attempt to move the Doha Round of negotiations forward.
Missing from declarations on the food crisis emerging from last week's G8 meeting and June's UN Food Summit has been a call for a more thorough examination of who is profiting from high food prices.
There is such a thing as better living through chemistry, but only if it's green. As it is, the toxic substances in your sunscreen, plastic bottles, mattresses and a list of other consumer products far too long to cite may be killing you.
First, a confession: like much of the world, I hate the G8 (don't know the term? Try this site for a more academic look at the institution; or Wikipedia, if that is more your speed). I hate everything they stand for: a rich club, a smug club, an exclusive club. Who are they fooling?
Last month, more research surfaced that heavy antibiotic use at industrial animal operations is contributing to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria causing illness and death in humans.
The reckless use in animals of tried-and-true human antibiotics has contributed to the development of serious antibiotic-resistant human disease. The most straightforward way to address resistant diseases such as CA-MRSA is to curb unnecessary use of all antibiotics important to human medicine in U.S. livestock operations, including penicillin and tetracycline.