Publication archives

An endangered population of mountain caribou is expected to be the focus of an announcement today billed as "a conservation initiative of global significance," and said to involve a large tract of wilderness in southeastern British Columbia.
Thirty years ago, as new computing and communications technology started to come to the fore, technology researchers and analysts began to talk confidently about the coming paperless society. Today, many such experts would settle for a society that simply uses a little less paper.
Paying rural landowners in Oregon's Willamette Basin to protect at-risk animals won't necessarily mean that their newly conserved trees and plants will absorb more carbon from the atmosphere and vice versa, a new study has found.
No, Freddy Mercury has not joined the show. Yes, the Doha talks have been saved for one more day. A late night Green Room meeting with around 30 ministers gave WTO Director General Pascal Lamy support to continue his small group consultations with the G7.
The new group of seven key WTO powers (U.S., European Union, Japan, Australia, Brazil, India and the newly added member China), met until the early hours of Thursday morning to see whether they could thrash out a deal to save the Doha Round. The effort seems so have failed.
Anne Laure Constantine
Carin Smaller
Sophia Murphy
Special Food Crisis Edition: Sophia Murphy on the causes of the food crisis, Carin Smaller on what's being done, and Anne Laure Constantin on the benefits of higher food prices.
KAW's  letter to the Senate on needed changes to the Animal Drug User Fee Act (ADUFA), specifically urging that when its passed when it is passed, include provisions from Title 1 and Title 2 of the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act (PAMTA, S. 549) to address the ongoing resistance issues associated with approved antibiotics.  
Thanks to the WTO’s excellent and archived web casting, I saw U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab announce the U.S. agricultural subsidies offer at her July 22 press conference.