Publication archives

The following article was originally published on IPS News on November 9, 2021.  As world leaders wrap up the U.N. Climate Summit in Glasgow, new scientific research shows that there is still a great deal of magical thinking about the contribution of fertilizer to global warming.
fertilizer plant
The following article was originally published on Business & Human Rights Resource Centre on November 9, 2021. 
 Obama’s Dizzying Spin on the Environment and Trade
Sharon Anglin Treat
IATP’s case study of Maine’s PFAS actions illustrates need for states to act promptly to protect farms, food and public health
fred stone
Sharon Anglin Treat
PFAS contamination of dairy
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
The unfolding climate catastrophe is front and center at the U.N. climate talks, where governments will make promises to reduce emissions, some sooner than others, with some of those promises more convincing than others.
Fertilizer distribution
The rising costs of synthetic nitrogen (N) fertilisers, triggered by a spike in natural gas prices, has governments panicking about a catastrophic global food crisis. At the same time, new research shows that synthetic N fertilisers are a major driver of the climate crisis, responsible for 1 out every 40 tonnes of GHGs currently pumped into the atmosphere.
Yara fertilizers
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
One of the most vexing issues in international climate debates is how to balance each country’s ambitions and responsibility. Clearly, all nations need to pull out all the stops to reverse the deepening climate crisis.
Fertilizer bags
Ben Lilliston
JBS is the largest meat company in the world. While headquartered in Brazil, it has over 450 facilities and offices in more than 20 countries.
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