Publication archives

“You should tell more people around the world about America’s non-mainstream agriculture and food system. Then they won’t hate you so much!” This was the blunt advice I got from Professor Wen Tiejun, as I bade him farewell at the Minneapolis airport in September 2006.
WINSTON SALEM, N.C., Primo Water Corporation, along with 19 other organizations, has launched a new group to address recycling opportunities with bioplastics -- the Bioplastics Recycling Consortium. The Consortium's mission is to develop an effective, efficient and economical recovery system and end markets for post-consumer bioplastic materials.
In the U.S., a food desert has been described as a large geographic area where mainstream grocery stores are absent. Most U.S. food deserts are found in low-income communities where residents often struggle to find fresh fruits and vegetables.
How can global institutions better respond to the food crisis?
Untouched natural forests store three times more carbon dioxide than previously estimated and 60 percent more than plantation forests, said a new Australian study of "green carbon" and its role in climate change. Green carbon occurs in natural forests, brown carbon is found in industrialised forests or plantations, grey carbon in fossil fuels and blue carbon in oceans.
It was Day 42 of the Zaca Fire. A tower of white smoke reached miles into the blue sky above the undulating ridges of Santa Barbara's backcountry.
A piece of heavy equipment called a hot saw is slicing through a high-country stand of skinny ponderosa pines like a mechanical Paul Bunyan on steroids. Nearby, a computer-programmed log processor is stripping the branches off cut trees as if it were peeling carrots.
The public will have an opportunity to learn more about and comment on proposed voluntary practices aimed at limiting the introduction or spread of invasive species in Wisconsin forests at a series of public listening sessions that will be held around the state in August.