Publication archives

It didn't take long for Monsanto to unload its controversial milk hormone business. On Wednesday, Eli Lilly announced that it would pay Monsanto $300 million for its recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (also known as Posilac) business.
Fir, cedar, pine: trees that tower, weaving a grove, bringing us the forest. Willow, ash, birch, elm: trees that bend to the wind, the gusts spinning branches. Apple, hawthorn, dogwood, plum: bearers of blossoms and fruit. This is the litany of trees that carry wind through branches and cradle the nests of birds.
Here in a 13,700-year-old peat bog, ecologist Ed Berg reaches into the moss and pulls out more evidence of the drastic changes afoot due to the Earth's warming climate.
The Coldwater Indian Band is throwing its support behind a proposed $2-billion ski resort, and two other developments near Merritt, as it tries to deal with the impact of a pine beetle infestation that is devastating forest-sector jobs in the area.
In 1917, as the new Redwood Highway pushed into Humboldt County, replacing a tortuous wagon road, tourists began to motor north to gaze up in wonder at the giant coastal redwoods. Many, though, were dismayed to see so many of the wondrous trees heading south on the backs of logging trucks.
Federal, state, and city officials gathered today in Worcester to announce they have discovered more trees infested with the destructive Asian longhorned beetle.
Ruskin Hartley doesn't want to have to kill me, so he's not going to tell me. Hartley, executive director of the Save the Redwoods League, is one of a tiny group of people privy to a secret that I - and quite a lot of other people - would dearly love to know: the location of the tallest tree on the planet.
A Western red cedar rises above the street, part of a lot slated for a development in the Roosevelt neighborhood. The tree, 90 feet high, has been clipped to make way for power lines. But despite its altered silhouette, arborists and others consider it an "exceptional" tree worth saving.