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FSC has launched an online survey to monitor the implementation of the Standard for Company Evaluation of FSC Controlled Wood (FSC-STD-40-005 V2-1). As of January 2008, all chain of custody (CoC) certificate holders using non-FSC certified material for their FSC mixed production are obliged to implement the standard.
Verso Paper Corp. (NYSE: VRS | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating) today announced that it will provide a $100,000 grant over two years to the Trust to Conserve Northeast Forestlands (TCNF) to expand participation in that organization's Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) group forest certification program.
Raposa Serra do Sol is in the Amazon jungle state of Roraima at the northwestern tip of Brazil, a land of water and abundance. Raposa Serra do Sol is in the Amazon jungle state of Roraima at the northwestern tip of Brazil, a land of water and abundance.
Warmer temperatures and longer dry spells have killed thousands of trees and shrubs in a Southern California mountain range, pushing the plants' habitat an average of 213 feet up the mountain over the past 30 years, a UC Irvine study has determined.
Here in a 13,700-year-old peat bog, ecologist Ed Berg reaches into the moss and pulls out more evidence of the drastic changes afoot due to the Earth's warming climate.
IATP's comment to the USDA's National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection on setting safety standards for other countries who want to export into the U.S.
While most believe the Doha Round of negotiations at the WTO are dead, a few countries, led by Brazil, are desperately trying to re-start discussions.
Last week, a major alliance of Latin American trade activists--the Hemispheric Social Alliance--organized a meeting in Rio, Brazil to discuss the prospects for trade agreements in the region. IATP was invited to join and discuss the recent Doha collapse.