Publication archives

The country's tallest eastern hemlock, reaching to the sky from a cove of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, towers 173.1 feet from its 5-foot-thick base to its last pencil-thin sprig. The tree is 400 years old, armored in rough bark, and dead.
Logging companies are going to be required to leave less waste behind to help build a new bioenergy industry in B.C., Forests Minister Pat Bell said Tuesday. But Bell said Victoria is looking at incentives, not heavy-handed rules, in this latest remaking of regulations for the troubled B.C. forest sector.
Thanks to Business Week, I finally have a name to put on a topic that has been rattling around in my brain over the past several months - innovation economics. The September 11 issue of Business Week has a cover story called “Can America Invent Its Way Back.”
Making smarter purchasing decisions for plastics.
Guide to Safer Children's Products with Product Insert
In the postwar decades, the United States led the way in creating a multilateral order. The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (later to become the World Trade Organization), the U.N. Declaration on Human Rights, and, of course, the United Nations itself.
Under the slogan “Another World Is Possible!” more than 20,000 activists from social movements, trade unions and civil society organizations are expected to participate in the fifth European Social Forum (ESF) in Malmö, Sweden from September 17-21.
Last night I was given the opportunity to speak at a forum in Adelaide, where I live, organized as part of the One Just World series.