Publication archives

Anyone concerned about all those plastic water bottles filling up the country's landfills might look to an Iowa dairy for a solution. Clarinda, Iowa-based Naturally Iowa has been making its own bottles out of polylactic acid, or PLA, which is produced from corn and is biodegradable.
IATP’s contribution to a new report from the Progressives Ideas Network, New Progressive Voices: Values and Policies for the 21st Century, addresses the need for the U.S. to re-engage with the world.
Alexandra Strickner
IATP's Alexandra Strickner is blogging from the fifth European Social Forum taking place in Malmö, Sweden, from September 17-21.
Alexandra Strickner
IATP's Alexandra Strickner is blogging from the fifth European Social Forum taking place in Malmö, Sweden, from September 17-21.
The current Wall Street financial crisis has me thinking about potential parallels to food. Not long ago, the vast majority of Americans had little choice but to consume a diet dominated by industrially produced food. We were becoming the culture of Wonder Bread. But then some alternative ideas started to break through.
Alexandra Strickner
IATP's Alexandra Strickner is blogging from the fifth European Social Forum taking place in Malmö, Sweden, from September 17-21.
Alexandra Strickner
IATP's Alexandra Strickner is blogging from the fifth European Social Forum taking place in Malmö, Sweden, from September 17-21.
A Dow Jones story last week, titled “FDA To Face Public Upbraiding Over Ingredient In Plastic,” points to a longstanding contradiction between what federal regulators consider good science and what scientists consider to be good science.