Publication archives

The National Standards Accreditation Committee for the FSC Board of Directors has delivered a positive accreditation decision for one new FSC regional forest stewardship standard - the Russian National FSC Standard.
Canada's beleaguered forestry industry is facing a new push to protect the country's woodlands after Rona Inc. said it will soon sell lumber only from companies that proactively address environmental sustainability and do not contribute to deforestation.
It's called the dirty Fraser in some parts of the province. But in the Rocky Mountains, before sand and silt colour it muddy brown, the Fraser River is a milky steel-blue and clean enough to drink. At least so says Shawn Burleigh, our young rafting guide. He steers the raft with two long paddles, strong and steady, and patiently answers all our questions.
TUESDAY, Nov. 25 (HealthDay News) - Here's something new you can worry about when traveling by car on your next vacation: Don't get too close to one of those huge tractor-trailer trucks if it's carrying a load of live chickens. It's a perfect breeding place for the transmission of germs from the chickens to humans.
Our conference on the Confronting the Global Food Ch
Argentina reaffirms position in NAMA negotiations
Turkeys, like any other animal, get sick. And while few would dispute that they should be treated when that happens, many scientists, medical professionals and animal experts are concerned that too much medicine is being given to too many turkeys -- and to too many food animals in general.
Dr. Steve Suppan
In U.S. political vernacular, the legislative period following an election but before the victorious take office is called a "lame duck" session—defeated members being the "ducks." Often, little legislative progress is made during the "lame duck" interim. What a difference a global financial crisis makes!