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IATP's Anne Laure Constantin was at the global climate talks in Poznan, Poland last week.
IATP's Anne Laure Constantin is reporting from the global climate talks in Poznan, Poland this week.
A U.N. atlas pinpointed on Friday parts of forests from the Amazon to Madagascar where better protection could give the twin benefits of slowing global warming and preserving rare wildlife.
At Belwin Conservancy, common buckthorn and other invasive, woody shrubs have been a problem for decades, cluttering natural areas and woods throughout its 1,300-acre preserve in Afton. But a section of it is being stripped of those pesky plants. And they're not just being thrown into a pile and burned or used as compost.
Negotiators broke an impasse Wednesday on including forest conservation in a new climate change agreement, guaranteeing a voice for native peoples who live in forests and rewarding India and China for replanting depleted lands.
Brazil's decision to set a target for reducing deforestation by 70 percent over the next decade to combat climate change was hailed by environmentalists Friday as a significant goal for a major polluting country.
A number of us have written a letter to President-elect Barack Obama regarding the importance of appointing a Secretary of Agriculture who is well-grounded and experienced in supporting farmers and advancing sustainable agricultural practices that restore economic viability to rural America, safeguard public health and farmworker s
The Food and Drug Administration said it would continue allowing the widespread use of a class of powerful antibiotics in food-producing animals, making a last-minute reversal after calling the practice a public-health risk in July.