Publication archives

Sharon Anglin Treat
The following comments were submitted to the Maine Board of Pesticides Control on January 14. Download the comment here. 
Sharon Anglin Treat
On January 14, 2022, IATP submitted comments on rules proposed by the Maine Board of Pesticides Control to require disclosure by pesticide manufacturers about whether their products contain Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), and to ban stor
PFAS foam
Dr. Steve Suppan
The following comment was submitted to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection regarding the Proposed Rule on Small Business Lending Data Collection Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B) on January 6.
Ben Lilliston
The following comment was delivered to Tim Sexton, MN Department of Transportation, and Andrea Vaubel, MN Department of Agriculture on January 5, 2022. Download a PDF of the comment. 
Summary articles AGRA’s Green Revolution Has Failed, Critics Say, Julius Sigei, The Elephant, Jan. 22, 2022
Shefali Sharma
Executive Summary At a time when governments must dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, global meat and dairy giants in Europe are increasing emissions by ramping up production and exports.
Emissions Impossible Europe teaser
Shefali Sharma
In our new report, Emissions Impossible Europe: How Europe’s big meat and dairy are heating up the planet, IATP has calculated the emissions of 35 of the largest meat and dairy corporations with headquarters in the European Union (EU) and Switzerland. The findings are alarming.
EU Emissions Banner
Dr. Steve Suppan
The Farm Credit System (FCS), a Government Sponsored Enterprise, is sometimes called the “mini-Fed” because like the Federal Reserve Bank system the FCS is obligated to ensure the “safety and soundness” of its operations, which account for about 42% of all U.S
North Carolina CAFO