Publication archives

Many people in Minneapolis, including entire neighborhoods, lack access to healthy, affordable and culturally appropriate foods. Last year, IATP organized a series of roundtable discussions with Minneapolis community members to talk about the food they buy.
As he was sworn in today, President Barack Obama made the case for big ideas. Small, incremental changes aren't going to cut it.
Last night, 60 Minutes ran an excellent piece on the role of Wall Street speculators in driving the price of oil up and then down.
A summary of roundtable discussions with Minneapolis residents on access to healthy food.
At the beginning of a new year, it's always worth looking back on the good work of the last year before we are humbled by the work to come.
Last week, on January 1, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) celebrated its 15th anniversary. You weren't invited to the party? Don't feel left out: neither were most U.S., Mexican and Canadian citizens. Over the last 15 years, NAFTA has become short-hand for a disastrous U.S.
The United States imports most of its honey and for years China was the biggest supplier. But in 1997, a contagious bacterial epidemic raced through hundreds of thousands of Chinese hives, infecting bee larvae and slashing the country's honey production by two-thirds.