Publication archives

The Environmental Protection Agency's ability to assess toxic chemicals is as broken as the nation's financial markets and needs a total overhaul, a congressional audit has found.
From January 26-27, I attended the High-Level Meeting on Food Security for All in Madrid, with participation from 126 governments, several inter-governmental organizations, and representatives from the private sector and civil society.
BEIJING, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) -- Different levels of governments should collect strength to combat drought, which has crippled China's agriculture, said Vice Premier Hui Liangyu Tuesday. He urged efforts to give drought-relief work top priority. Hui said the people should build up their confidence and make every effort to overcome difficulties despite severe challenges.
THE European Union and Canada have warned that the "Buy America'' clause in President Barack Obama's $900bn ( pounds 626bn) fiscal stimulus package is in danger of fostering unwanted and damaging US protectionism.
Alexandra Strickner
IATP's Alexandra Strickner is reporting from the 9th World Social Forum in Belém, Brazil.
Alexandra Strickner
IATP's Alexandra Strickner is reporting from the 9th World Social Forum in Belém, Brazil.
Beneath a cloudless February sky, an invisible current laces and unlaces the fingerlike branches of hardwood canopy. Above the drone of traffic that winds along Highway 95 in the St. Croix River valley, a muted metallic clank rings out as Patrick, a Belgian draft horse, rattles his traces.
Logging must stop on nearly 13 million hectares of forest in Democratic Republic of Congo after a government review canceled nearly 60 percent of the vast country's timber contracts, the government said on Monday.