Publication archives

Consumers are surrounded with candies and processed foods containing synthetic food dyes. Increasingly, these dyes have been found to increase hyperactivity and other disturbed behavior in children. These synthetic dyes, mostly petroleum-derived, are unnecessary.
Last week's headlines were blazing with Congressional hearings on the Bernie Madoff fraud scandal and President Barack Obama's proposal for some non-retroactive limits (no disgorgement of ill-gotten riches!) to Wall Street "senior executives'" (whatever that means) compensation (excluding options to buy stock at discounted rates) for financial institutions whose libertine imprudence has been re
Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) was one of the first genetically engineered agriculture products and is a synthetic hormone given to dairy cows to force increased milk production. It can also cause udder infections leading to increased antibiotic use. rBGH also raises the levels of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) in cows and cow's milk.
When I landed in Geneva for a conference in mid-November, after the usual grueling 35 hours or so of travel from Adelaide, one of my first treats was to order a "renversé" (Genevois for café au lait) and to sit down to read the Financial Times, one of my favorite papers.
The Environmental Protection Agency's ability to assess toxic chemicals is as broken as the nation's financial markets and needs a total overhaul, a congressional audit has found.
The humble shack that became the centerpiece of conservationist Aldo Leopold's "A Sand County Almanac" has been granted National Historic Landmark status. The converted chicken coop and the farm on which it stands received the designation from outgoing Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne before he left office in December.
B.C.'s biggest and oldest trees have pretty much seen it all over the centuries -- except the respect of formal protection. Conservationists are hoping to change that by demanding the provincial government protect B.C.'s 100 most important heritage trees of each species and to phase out old-growth logging on the South Coast.