Publication archives

The impact of the economic crisis is deepening and will hit developing nations particularly hard, Chinese President Hu Jintao warned on Monday as he embarked on the final leg of a tour of Africa.
I've just returned from an incredible, energizing meeting of livestock leaders from Mexico, Canada and the United States.
At the National Pheasant Fest of all places, there's talk of both feathers, and the future. Among the dozen of booths at the event at Madison's Alliant Energy Center Exhibition Hall on Friday, a handful booths demonstrated management of hunting grounds, and the possible harvesting of those lands for biomass.
Winstanley Enterprises announced Monday that it wants to build a $150 million, 25-megawatt wood-fired power plant next to its building in the North Springfield Industrial Park.
The United States needs to take the lead in preserving tropical forests in the fight against climate change, a coalition of lawmakers, corporate chiefs and environmentalists said on Monday. Deforestation accounts for 20 percent of the carbon emissions that spur global warming, members of the Avoided Deforestation Partners coalition told a Capitol Hill forum.
How do you control mountain pine beetles, which are killing vast stretches of lodgepole pine forests in the West and Canada? Invite the bugs to tea.
Would a dose of herbal tea slow the march of beetles killing millions of acres of pine trees across the West? Sort of. But instead of brewing up a cup, U.S. Forest Service scientists found that sprinkling tiny flakes containing the pheromone verbenone over lodgepole pine forests cut the number of trees attacked by bark beetles by about two-thirds.
Lebanon's majestic cedar trees have withstood the test of time for centuries, but climate change is threatening to eradicate the country's most treasured symbol. Used by various civilizations throughout history for their strong and durable wood, Lebanon's cedars are now on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's "Red List" as a "heavily threatened" species.