Publication archives

Alexandra Spieldoch
Alexandra Strickner
Check out our latest Radio Sustain podcast including interviews with:
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) issued a remarkable little briefing paper last week titled "Sustaining African Agriculture: Organic Production." Right out of the gate, the brief directly takes on proponents for a "Gr
In this time of turmoil in our food system—commodity prices going up and down like a yo-yo, food contamination cases becoming more commonplace, environmental and climate effects on agriculture becoming more serious, and the world's hungry growing at a startling rate—how would would the United States' greatest Agriculture Secretary, Henry Wallace, respond?
New types of green fuels produced using waste from forestry may be among the first new generation biofuels to start production, an executive from Finnish forestry and paper group UPM-Kymmene said on Thursday.
Livestock herds could become a vast breeding ground for MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a formerly rare bacteria found mostly in hospitals but now spreading beyond health care settings.
As demand for local food continues to grow, K-12 schools are looking for ways to incorporate food from local sources into their food and nutrition programs.
Alexandra Spieldoch
Alexandra Strickner
Dr. David Wallinga on mercury and high fructose corn syrup, Alexandra Spieldoch on the Madrid High-Level Meeting on Food Security for All, Kathleen Schuler on Healthy Legacy's goals for this legislative session, and Alexandra Strickner on the latest World Social Forum.
What does renewable energy really mean? And while we’re at it, what’s sustainability, anyway? Seemingly simple questions, but they’re ones that crop up again and again as I get started in my work with the Rural Communities program.