Publication archives

Sunoco has begun restricting sales of a controversial chemical used in baby bottles and food containers that some researchers believe can harm infants.
Devin Foote is a 24-year-old beginning farmer at Common Ground Farm in Beacon, New York. Throughout the growing season, Devin will be chronicling his experiences as a young farmer growing for a local food system.
As sunset softens the vast Colorado sky into warm shades of pink and blue, the sound of chainsaws jars the stillness of this remote and rugged wilderness. A forest service team works quickly, felling dozens of dead or dying lodgepole pines, the majestic trees that have towered over this region for generations.
Discussions of climate change in the popular press have highlighted negative effects on polar bears and arctic sea ice, but what will climate change mean for our environments in the Lower 48 and Northeast? Changes in temperature, season length, snowpack, and severe weather events are predicted. For some climate patterns, changes have occurred.
Lynn Jungwirth, executive director of the Watershed Research and Training Center in Hayfork, CA, testified before Congress today (March 3, 2009) about the role of federal lands in combating climate change, including the need for more proactive forest management to adapt to and mitigate for climate change and the vital role for rural communities as active participants in these activities.
Older trees are not necessarily bigger, but are hardier A newly published study has found that the oldest trees in the forest also grow the slowest - and they likely aren't the prettiest.
The British Columbia government is prepared to almost double the volume of timber-cutting rights for aboriginal communities as part of a plan to remake the province's beleaguered forest sector. The plan emerged from a $1-million report on the future of the province's forest industry, released in Victoria yesterday.
The Build Local Alliance, a fledgling group trying to encourage local sourcing of sustainably harvested wood products, has announced the three winners of its first-ever Build Local Challenge.