Publication archives

A look at the entire food system and opportunities to shift to a climate-friendly system. The industrial model of farming with massive resource intensive inputs for crops and livestock is the largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions throughout the food system.
Anne Laure Constantine
IATP's Anne Laure Constantin is in Bonn, Germany, this week for global talks to develop a new international framework to address climate change. The Bonn meeting is leading up to the larger global climate meeting in Copenhagen in December 2009.
Shiney Varghese
Human rights advocates are thrilled with a recent decision by the Obama administration. On Tuesday, the U.S.
Ethanol's main by-product, which is sold as livestock feed, has raised potential food safety concerns. Several studies have linked the byproduct, known as distillers grain, to elevated rates of E. coli in cattle. And now, distillers grain is facing further scrutiny because the Food and Drug Administration has found that it often contains antibiotics left over from making ethanol.
The "war in the woods" ended officially this week as provincial, aboriginal, forest industry and environmental leaders celebrated the completion of new sustainable resource rules for a vast region of the B.C. coast.
KAW letter to FDA Deputy Commissioner Sharfstein requesting immediate action on antibiotics. Despite a long recognition of the problem, the FDA has delayed taking actions that are necessary to protect public health.
A new global poll finds that 70 percent of people across 24 countries believe that "major changes" are required to the way the global economy is run. A good place to start is the G-20 meeting scheduled to begin this week.
A dear friend of IATP has passed away. Merle Hanson was a farmer whose gentle and loving way taught a whole generation of farm activists what democracy meant.