Publication archives

The Obama administration's pick to be the new agriculture undersecretary in charge of the U.S. Forest Service breaks a long-standing tradition of someone with a forest policy background.
The push for greater access to healthy, locally produced food in the United States continues to get stronger. Today, we released a new report highlighting the role of 11 faith communities around the country that are expanding access to healthy, local foods.
Across the country, faith communities have been putting their beliefs about food and healthy eating into action.
Last week, President Obama completed his first 100 days.
As the current swine flu nears pandemic status, we still have an awful lot to learn about the origins and causes of the disease.
The words are memorized, passed down from an aging generation to a new group of tribal youths. "The song means a lot to me," Mezua told CNN, the fire's dying embers splashing a red glow across his face. "But I don't know what it means."
Despair abounds in the ethanol industry after the California Air Resources Board (ARB) voted 9 to 1 in favor of the so-called Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) last week. The regulation aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation fuels 10 percent by 2020.
Last week I was in Rome, attending a bunch of FAO meetings related to the food crisis.