Publication archives

An article as part of the larger publication Moving Forward on Global Trade.
A little known wood-boring beetle is killing oak trees in eastern San Diego County and eventually could pose the same threat in Orange County, says the U.S. Forest Service.
As lumber mills grind to a halt, their saws dulled against the blunt edge of a national housing slump, loggers and log haulers are likewise being forced out of their woods work. No new home construction means no new need for lumber, and the trickle-down has snapped links in the entire supply chain, from stump to street.
As environmentalists and politicians rally around the inclusion of avoided deforestation projects in an international climate change agreement, some big questions about forest and land ownership loom unanswered.
During the past year, mainstream media coverage of major global crises—food, water, climate and economic—has focused primarily on the latter.
IATP's Alexandra Spieldoch blogs from the 17th Session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) meeting in New York.
Last week, Minnesota became the first state in the country to ban the toxic chemical bisphenol A (BPA) from baby bottles and "sippy" cups.
This report explores the potential for faith communities to be change agents in supporting healthy eating in Minnesota communities.