Publication archives

With the federal government spending nearly $3 billion trying to reduce the impact of fire in national forests, a new academic study suggests the bulk of the work is being done in precisely the wrong places.
Less than six months into his new administration, President Barack Obama has already managed to spark a trade war with Mexico over trucking. Protectionist measures like quotas on Chinese tires could be on the cards, too. Now, newly expanded milk subsidies also threaten both America's reputation and its trade leadership.
Five Illinois residents have died of the swine flu, raising new fears that the H1N1 virus will not be easily controlled.
The group of 19 agricultural exporters known as the Cairns Group will meet June 7-9 in Bali, Indonesia. They will be discussing their position as a force within the WTO Doha negotiations on agriculture.
THE CONSERVATION EASEMENTS purchased by the state will also provide a number of land and water safeguards, no matter who owns the land in the future, and the agreement preserves existing hiking, snowmobile and ATV trails. Blandin can still harvest timber from the land, but no development will be permitted and the land can't be subdivided.
Corn ethanol supporters’ claims that the fuel reduces greenhouse gas emissions are tenuous, at best. But corn ethanol might end up being the key to getting climate policy—specifically, the Waxman-Markey cap and trade legislation—through Congress.
Manufacturers of cans for beverages and foods and some of their biggest customers, including Coca-Cola, are trying to devise a public relations and lobbying strategy to block government bans of a controversial chemical used in the linings of metal cans and lids.
Devin Foote is a 24-year-old beginning farmer at Common Ground Farm in Beacon, New York. Throughout the growing season, Devin will be chronicling his experiences as a young farmer growing for a local food system. May 28, 2009