Publication archives

Today and tomorrow, we'll be with government and community leaders in Souix Falls, South Dakota at the Midwest Rural Assembly to talk about the challenges and opportunities facing rural communities.
Forest products are renewable goods that store carbon and have in most cases a lower environmental footprint than non-wood products. Well-managed forests provide numerous ecosystem services and societal benefits. The production of forest products can, however, cause significant negative side effects if not conducted in a legal and sustainable basis.
A county-wide biomass assessment and economic feasibility study sponsored by the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute and performed by BBI International has been made publicly available on the AURI website. Click here for the report
Hampered by lean budgets and growing responsibilities, federal land management agencies have struggled in recent years to keep up with the rising popularity of off-highway vechicle use on public land, congressional investigators said in a report Thursday.
The Ontario government should halt all logging and road building in endangered woodland caribou habitat, as six out of nine known populations below the 51st parallel are at risk of collapsing, environmentalists warn.
Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon rainforest in June was four times more devastating than the month before, further depleting what is seen as one of the biggest buffers against global warming, official data revealed Tuesday.
Forestry officials want to know what should happen when the $20 million New Zealand taxpayers spent to protect Maori-owned native forests in the South Island runs out in June next year. Efforts to rescue the most precious 5000ha of native forest from the risk of being unsustainably felled look so far to have protected only a sixth of it.
The forestry industry in Europe, the ex-Soviet Union and North America has suffered the biggest drop in demand for wood since the 1970s with the slump in housing markets, the United Nations said Tuesday.