Publication archives

FSC has launched the 2009 Market Survey to solicit valuable feedback from certificate holders. The survey is available in several languages and will be open online from now through 19 October 2009.FSC
The Weather Vein Project is a collaboration led by Aniccha Arts that examines—and reflects upon—the ways in which humans impact the weather.
New science published on July 31st is the first to look closely at levels of HMF, or Hydroxymethylfurfural, in high fructose corn syrup used as a feedstock for commercial honeybee operations.
The American meat industry is addicted to antibiotics. This dates to the late 1940s, when farmers discovered that antibiotics could do more than just cure disease. Antibiotics regularly mixed into feed could help animals avoid common illnesses -- and thus grow faster as well as better withstand the crowded and sometimes unsanitary conditions on factory farms.
IATP is exploring the roles that different federal departments and agencies play in America’s food system.
The Indian government unveiled a major plan to protect its forests on Tuesday, saying the initiative was a key element in its strategy to combat climate change. "Countries like India must get adequate credit for increasing its forest cover that absorbs greenhouse gases," said Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh, who is under pressure ahead of global climate change talks in December.
An infestation of beetles in forests across North America has some regulators concerned over the increasing carbon footprint their devastation could leave behind. So far, the infestation has killed off millions of acres of pine forests in the US and Canada, and millions of spruce trees could be the next to go.
A federal appeals court Wednesday blocked road construction in at least 40 million acres of pristine national forests.