Publication archives

IATP's Jim Harkness and Anne Laure Constantin are in Bangkok at the global climate talks. Below, Anne Laure blogs on what is at stake for agriculture.
IATP's Jim Harkness and Anne Laure Constantin are in Bangkok at the global climate talks. Below, Jim blogs on what is at stake for agriculture. “Fifty years: no Bangkok! In the sea! Hot, hot! Very hot!”
The Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP), launched in the last Farm Bill, was hailed as an opportunity to spur the wider adoption of new, more sustainable crops to feed a growing bioeconomy. Now, we are reminded once again that the intent of legislation and real-world implemention are two different things.
Anne Laure Constantine
The global agriculture system is failing both the world's hungry and the climate. A paradigm shift is needed to build a resilient system of food production, while contributing to climate change mitigation.
Dozens of trees have been dropped by helicopter into a stretch of the Brule River along the Michigan-Wisconsin border to help improve the habitat for trout in the waterway.Wisconsin State Journal
Fossilized remnants of long-ago rainforests discovered in Illinois coal mines are providing clues about how trees and their ecosystems were able to withstand weather extremes from ice ages to global
The vision for future forest policy recently revealed by the Obama Administration had a broad scope that could appeal to many sides, but lacked key tangible details.TimberLine
Scientists report that drought conditions in the Rocky Mountain West are contributing to SAD, Sudden Aspen Decline.Living on Earth