Publication archives

JoAnne Berkenkamp
Farm to School Forum with USDA Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan on November 3, 2009.
The adoption of transgenic, or more commonly termed genetically modified (GM) crops, has greatly transformed the crop industry.
Dr. Steve Suppan
This week in Barcelona negotiators are making one more attempt to resolve some of many differences for a new agreement to implement the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Carbon accounting used in the Kyoto Protocol and other climate legislation currently neglects CO2 emissions from the production of biofuels, a loophole that could drive large-scale destruction of tropical forests and exacerbate global warming, warned researchers writing last week in the journal
A recent survey of FSC certified forestry operations found that most believe the financial benefits of certification with stay the same or increase over the next five years.
Roads, the most visible symbols of progress, are the biggest threat to the world's tropical rainforests, says a new study.The Economic Times
By banning logging, mining and oil drilling in an area twice the size of California, Canada is ensuring its boreal forests continue to soak up carbonThe Guardian
In conifer forests stretching from northern Canada to the Mexican border, a native insect is causing more damage than the environment can handle.Montana Kaimin