Publication archives

The world needs to do more to protect boreal forests and peatlands, which store more carbon than any other ecosystem and help mitigate the effects of climate change, a Canadian report issued Thursday said.Reuters Canada
The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin on Friday unanimously approved Xcel's application to convert the last remaining coal-fired unit at its Bay Front Power Plant to biomass gasification technologyPioneer Press Via
Ash trees fluffy with corn-yellow leaves arch over picnic tables tucked next to a downtown Syracuse office building. In good weather, they shade snackers and
Riding his bike to work at Western Washington University, in Bellingham, geophysicist Bernie Housen used to wonder how unhealthy it was to be breathing in all those exhaust fumes.Toronto Globe and Mail
Alexandra Spieldoch
IATP's Alexandra Spieldoch is blogging from Rome at the World Summit on Food Security.  
Today at the World Summit on Food Security, there was plenty of lofty rhetoric. United Nation's Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon told delegates that "food is a basic right" and "ou
Widespread use of antibiotics leads to the development and spread of more antibiotic-resistant bacteria, like MRSA. When used, antibiotics kill off susceptible bacteria leaving resistant ones to multiply and spread; greater use of antibiotics—wherever that occurs—translates into greater numbers and different varieties of drug-resistant bacteria.
Shiney Varghese
From November 2–6 last week, negotiators met in Barcelona as a lead up to UN climate talks in Copenhagen in December.