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Stuck in Doha Round quicksand, trade ministers participating in the WTO Ministerial in Geneva left town today with nothing much accomplished. Well, actually, some left a day early—demonstrating once again how deadening these negotiations have become.
Adhemar Mineiro represents the Brazilian Trade Network REBRIP. He is blogging from Geneva this week at the WTO Ministerial.
The world economy has changed so dramatically in the last year, and yet U.S. trade policy marches blithely on as if everything is the same. No change of course to shore up farm sectors against future price shocks or floods of dumped products. No admission that deregulating international finance was a mistake that contributed to the financial crisis.
If we needed any more evidence on the declining relevance of the World Trade Organization, we're seeing it this week. WTO Ministerial meetings, like the one taking place this week in Geneva, used to include massive, worldwide news coverage on the development of new global trade rules.
Adhemar Mineiro represents the Brazilian Trade Network REBRIP. He is blogging from Geneva this week at the WTO Ministerial.
The anti-WTO demonstration patiently orchestrated over the past several months by a coalition of Swiss groups (trade unions, social movements and other NGOs) in cons
The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin on Friday unanimously approved Xcel's application to convert the last remaining coal-fired unit at its Bay Front Power Plant to biomass gasification technologyPioneer Press Via
Ash trees fluffy with corn-yellow leaves arch over picnic tables tucked next to a downtown Syracuse office building. In good weather, they shade snackers and