Publication archives

Only one fifth of the world's forests remain but an area bigger than Canada could be restored without harming food production, a global alliance dedicated to restoring forests said on Thursday.Reuters
Is the eucalyptus tree to blame for the drying up of rivers in the places it is grown? That is a question that has generated debate even as farmers continue to carry out a directive by Environment minister John Michuki that all eucalyptus grown on riparian land be cut down.The Nation
Snowpack in some of the Oregon Cascade Range is dwindling, but western Oregon's Douglas fir forests appear unchanged, according to an analysis of climate change by researchers at Oregon State University.The Oregonian
Last month Minnesota became home to Swedish business partners Erik Sundell and Per Hallnevik as they traveled across the state to learn more about farming and agricultural practices.Dovetail Partners, Inc.
Government representatives from around the world--including President Obama--will gather in Copenhagen for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to talk about how to address climate change. The focus will be on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and deal with the effects of climate change.
A U.N.-backed scheme that aims to reward developing nations for saving or rehabilitating their forests has made major progress during climate negotiations over the past two years and is likely to advance further at talks in Copenhagen.Reuters
Seventeen indigenous Penan communities have proclaimed a new tropical forest reserve on their native lands in the jungles of
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