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If you were to redesign our food system to provide enough healthy, nutritious food for everyone, what would it look like?
It is well accepted that consumptive water use in ethanol distilleries ranges from 3 to 4 gallons of water per gallon of ethanol, but this is only part of the story.
By Loni Kemp, a consultant to the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
After yet another decade of accelerated market concentration, there are fewer companies controlling our food system than at any time in history.
Not dead but plan to protect forests by paying developing countries suffers a set back at the conclusion of COP15 in
More than 800 B.C. forestry workers are slated to lose their jobs by the end of January, and some say the mountain pine beetle is to blame.CBC News
The accelerated practice of land grabbing—where countries or corporations buy up agricultural land, usually in poor countries—is one of the most troubling responses we've seen to the sharp rise in food prices in late 2007 and early 2008.
What can't Google do? The search engine's philanthropic arm,, has developed free home energy monitors, an ocean-exploration tool and now software to monitor the world's deforestation.USA Today