Publication archives

South African scientists say chemicals in smoke from forest fires may regulate seed germination and play a key role in the rebirth of burned
Pacific Northwest forest fires may play a minor role in climate change compared with fossil fuel use, according to a new analysis by Oregon State University researchers.The Register-Guard
The simple formula we've learned in recent years -- forests remove the greenhouse gas CO2 from the atmosphere; therefore forests prevent global warming -- may not be quite as simple as we thought. Forests can directly absorb and retain heat, and, in at least one type of forest, these effects may be strong enough to cancel out a good part of the benefit in lowered CO2.
Polling results support public benefits of wildlife, clean air and waterDovetail Partners, Inc.
Researchers in Flagstaff are looking at what happens when farmers routinely feed antibiotics to the beef, chicken, pork, turkey, shrimp and salmon you might find at the local grocery store.
IATP President Jim Harkness is blogging from China.
This week the bankers are throwing down the gauntlet to President Barack Obama at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland: don’t break up the “Too Big to Fail” (TBTF) banks or there will be “unforeseen consequences” beyond the past week’s flight of investors from financial markets.
Widespread antibiotic use in animal agriculture is drawing increasing fire as a primary cause of the growing prevalence of drug-resistant and ever more lethal superbugs.