Publication archives

Attacks on the EPA have been coming fast and furious in the past few months. In contrast to Congress’s limp attempts to pass comprehensive climate legislation, the EPA has begun taking steps to address climate change.
WASHINGTON, Mar 02, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- In a presentation made at a Senate briefing in support of the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act (PAMTA), Chipotle Mexican Grill founder, chairman and co-CEO Steve Ells argued that restaurant companies can be successful while eschewing harsh agricultural practices, including the sub-therapeutic use of antibiotics in livestock farmin
The March, 2010, Vol. 29, No.3 issue of the influential Health Affairs journal comes out blazing with editor-in-chief Susan Dentzer writing that “America is guilty of child abuse.” The issue focuses on childhood obesity and includes a series of articles related to kid's snacks, school lunches, food marketing and strategies for prevention.
In mid-February, the third Farmers' Forum was held just prior to the 33rd Governing Council meeting of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Rome. IFAD is a specialized agency of the UN that funds agriculture production projects in developing countries.
Mark Muller is the director of IATP's Food and Society Fellows program. See the full set of photos from the fellows' trip on their Facebook page.
 The 200 million person increase in global food insecurity since 2006 — over one billion according to UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) — did not result from global production failure or a shortage of supply.
Dennis Keeney
A critical look at the what the term sustainable agriculture has come to mean since becoming popular in the 1970s. This article by Dennis Keeney appeared in Prairie Fire, March 2010.
The 200 million person increase in global food insecurity since 2006 — over one billion according to UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) — did not result from global production failure or a shortage of supply.