Publication archives

KAW written testimony to House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies. Over 100 organizations signed on requesting that as part of the fiscal year 2011 appropriations, three appropriations should be included that will help research, monitor, and find solutions to the problem of antibiotic resistance.
Ben Lilliston
IATP President Jim Harkness is blogging from Beijing.
A new report by four forest ecologists says climate rather than beetles is the main cause of forest fire risk, and that risk is best addressed by creating defensible spaces around homes instead of logging in the backcountry.The Daily Sentinel
Everyone agrees that Southern Nevada needs to get rid of the quagga mussels that threaten to ruin Lake Mead, the foreign grasses that fuel wildfires and salt cedars that steal precious water and choke out native wetland vegetation.Las Vegas Sun
New LEED rules poised to remake market for environmental forest products, Canadian timber. First of five parts this week.The Tyee
Months of heavy rains throughout the South are forcing International Paper Co. to look beyond its usual suppliers for wood for its central South Carolina mill and turn to places that are known to have tree-destroying gypsy moths.AP via Star Tribune
Ben Lilliston
IATP President Jim Harkness is blogging from Beijing. “How Should China Feed Itself?” (rather than “Who Will Feed China?”) might have been a good title for the international conference on sustainable agriculture and food that IATP co-hosted in Beijing from March 12 to 15.
While some Minneapolis neighborhoods enjoy a bountiful supply of healthy foods, others do not. IATP’s Minneapolis Mini Farmers Market project is helping to address this challenge by bringing fresh fruits and vegetables to neighborhoods that lack healthy food options. Farmers markets