Publication archives

At Georgetown University Hospital, the cafe's lunch specials have generally consisted of two meat dishes and one vegetarian offering. In the refrigerated case, sandwiches made with roast beef or ham and cheese were kept on shelves at eye level, for easy grabbing.
Ben Lilliston
IATP President Jim Harkness reflects on World Water Day and his recent visit to Beijing.
Shiney Varghese
IATP's Shiney Varghese gives us five things we can do as individuals and in our communities to reduce bottled water use. 1. If you are concerned about the quality of your local water:
Shiney Varghese
The release of the new video, ‘The story of bottled water,” on this World Water Day (2010) got me thinking.
Dennis Keeney
Sophia Murphy
A version of this commentary by IATP's Dennis Keeney and Sophia Murphy appeared in the March 20, 2010 issue of the Des Moines Register and the Global Policy Forum.
Dennis Keeney
Sophia Murphy
This article was published in the Des Moines Register
Large financial institutions play a big role in our food system. From providing credit to farmers, to influencing commodity futures markets that ultimately play a role in setting food prices, big financial players deeply influence the food chain.
Ben Lilliston
The conference we co-organized on sustainable agriculture in China exposed a variety of viewpoints and perspectives about the role of agriculture in China—and particularly in rural China.