Publication archives

Urbanization may be having unexpected impacts in the Amazon rainforest by leaving forest areas vulnerable to exploitation by outsiders, report researchers writing in Conservation Letters.Mongabay News
Minneapolis, April 9, 2010 — Last month, to great fanfare, First Lady Michelle Obama announced her Let’s Move initiative to combat childhood obesity.
Here, in a forest of woodpecker-holed pine trees, is one of the rarest things in the American environment.The Washington Post
A new study involving scientists from 13 different organizations, universities and research institutions states that forest protection offers one of the most effective, practical, and immediate strategies to combat climate change.
Scientific Certification Systems has certified 528,332 acres of Indiana woodlands to Forest Stewardship Council standards, SCS said today.GreenerBuildings
If it slithers, stings, eats or just grows, the state wants invasive species goneThe Times Union
The Challenge - The emerald ash borer (EAB) was discovered near Detroit, MI, in the fall of 2002. Since then, EAB has spread to 13 States in the East and Midwest, and is closing in on other States quickly. This insect has killed tens of millions of ash trees.USFS Success Stories
In the latest Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) Campaign for Fair Food initiative, Publix—a large supermarket chain based in Lakeland, Florida—has come under fire. While other food industry giants—including McDonald's, Subway and, most recently, Aramark—have signed agreements, Publix has failed to work