Publication archives

In the Huffington Post last week, IATP's Mark Muller addressed both fans and critics of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution pointing out that Oliver's efforts—
FSC has released three new publications to promote understanding of the FSC system. Available online, the publications provide stakeholders with useful resources to work with FSC and highlight the impacts and benefits of FSC certification.FSC
As director of the emergency room at the UC Davis Medical Center, Robert Derlet always wondered what made people sick.
Dr. Steve Suppan
The U.S. Senate debate to regulate over-the-counter (OTC, off-exchange and largely unregulated) derivatives enters its third week. Everybody, it appears, is now a proponent of “reform,” especially erstwhile acolytes of deregulation.
Dr. Steve Suppan
In the latest episode of Radio Sustain we speak with Dan Grewe from Compatible Technology International, about post-harvest technology for developing countries, IATP's Kathleen Schuler discusses the Safe Chemicals Act of 2010, and Steve Suppan explains what nanotechnology is and why we need a more informed regulatory framework.
William Neuman and Andrew Pollack of the New York Times dug deeper earlier this week into the growing story of Roundup-resistant weeds and the chaos this is causing within the agriculture community.
Family forest group certification for FSC forest management continues to experience phenomenal growth in the United States, with nearly 40,000 family forest landowners now in the FSC system.FSC
Last year, an estimated 65,000 people in the U.S. were killed by drug-resistant infections -- almost the number of people who succumbed to breast cancer and prostate cancer combined.