Publication archives

Ben Lilliston
Earlier this week, Jim Harkness blogged about a fascinating two-day workshop on consumer cooperatives held in Beijing, China.
Jim Harkness
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy President Jim Harkness talks about a meeting on consumer cooperatives in Beijing, China.
KAW letter to the FDA's Dr, Sharfstein explaining its legal authority to act on antibiotic resistance issue.
Ben Lilliston
IATP President Jim Harkness reports from Beijing on a workshop on consumer cooperatives. See the full collection of photos from the workshop in the Facebook photo album.
Currently, the navigation infrastructure on the Mississippi costs the federal government an estimated $100 million a year to maintain—a subsidy that supports the export of Minnesota's agricultural products. Now, the navigation industry is pushing for more: nearly $270 million.
Minneapolis, May 26, 2010* — Say the federal government used federal dollars to take development opportunities away from Minnesota and instead create jobs and processing facilities in other countries.
As BP and government agencies struggle to stem the devastating flow of oil now hitting the Louisiana coast, there is growing desperation to find a solution—and fast. Green Earth Technologies, Inc.
KAW comments to FDA docket regarding the use of distillers grains as animal feed.