Publication archives

This article is the fifth in a series of articles highlighting the work of our colleagues around the world to build agroecological practices, science and movements.
Sthandiwe & W…Maphumulo
JBS has published a response to our joint research
The following article was originally published by Food Tank on October 26, 2022. 
Field in Africa
Lilly Richard
For almost 30 years, the world's countries have been meeting at an annual global climate conference, the UNFCCC COP, to try to coordinate responses to the accelerating climate crisis. In Episode 2 of our podcast series on COP27, we'll delve into the conference itself. Hear from IATP experts Ben Lilliston and Steve Suppan about the history and significance of the COP, starting with the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio. We’ll introduce you to how the COP works, why the conference matters for agriculture, how COP agreements have been repeatedly undermined and why it’s so difficult to achieve real progress.
Uprooted Podcast: Talking COP27
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
The turmoil that has marked the last few years of pandemic and war and the consequent shocks to people’s lives and livelihoods require new approaches to agriculture that plan for disruptions and build in resilience.
Tractor spraying a monocrop soybean field
Dr. Steve Suppan
In March 2021, when the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) released questions on climate-related financial disclosures for public input, it received
Carbon Markets: Reducing Carbon Emissions or Missing the Mark?
Lilly Richard
Our industrialized food and farming systems are both driving the climate crisis and threatened by it. How did we get here? This episode introduces listeners to that struggle and its climate justice implications in the lead-up to the UNFCCC's 27th annual global climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, COP27.
Uprooted Podcast: Talking COP27
Shiney Varghese
On Monday, October 10, United Nations Members States, representatives of civil society, the private sector, researchers and governments gathered in Rome for the 50th session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS).
CFS 50